What's wrong with our bus systems? Why won't we take a bus to a train? Let's start with frequency of service, or
lack thereof.
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Minute Bus
framework for
Part one of this series focuses on how Seattle has updated its corridor zoning to increase density along its transit corridors. Frequent bus routes serve Seattle's relatively narrow arterial streets, and the low-rise, but moderate density LR zoning classification
allows the city to meet growing housing demands
while boosting transit ridership.
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Part One: How Seattle
Increases Density on its Transit Corridors
Part Two: How Station Areas (Nodes) are Transforming
Part two of this series takes a closer look at transit-oriented development opportunities at existing and future light rail transit stations in Seattle. Perhaps surprisingly (or maybe not), the best TOD opportunities are in existing mixed-use centers
with well-developed street networks rather than
at stations with large parcels of vacant land.
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Part Three: Toward a Framework for Evaluating TOD
Part three of this series considers the role of nodes and corridors within the broader context of building a transit-friendly city. Most TOD studies look at project sites or, at best, the 400m (quarter mile) radius around the station, but they are often suburban TODs in a
sea of car-oriented suburbs. As a result, they tend
to perform poorly. What needs to change?
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My first stab at this was intended to be a quarterly iBooks publication. I never managed to find time to design and publish an ongoing series, but my first version in 2012 is still in the iTunes store. It was a photo essay (of sorts) of Christchurch the year after its devistating series of earthquakes. You can still download it from the iTunes store.
fter Disaster...
a photo essay of
a publication of